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AR Book Finder
The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program provides teachers and children a fun and exciting way to promote reading at home and in the classroom.
Improve the School-to-Home Connection:

With Accelerated Reader’s  Home Connect, you can link school and home to make reading practice even more effective. Parents can click on the Home Connect Link and sign up to get updates each time your child takes an AR Test! All you need is your student’s AR Log-in User Name and Password.
As a school we continue to be excited about our Intranet AR program through Renaissance Learning and are confident that it will continue to support our students’ success. Ehrhardt has a subscription to all Renaissance AR Quizzes that are available. That is over 100,000 quizzes!
The students read books from their classroom, public or school library. After they have completed a book they take a comprehension test on the computer. Based on their percentage of correct answers they will be awarded a designated number of points for each test completed. These points are then accrued throughout the year for various incentives and report card assessment. Accelerated Reader (AR) software is installed in the classrooms and computer lab allowing students to take in-class quizzes on books they have read for points. Each book has a designated reading level as well as point value.
In their classrooms and computer labs students take in-class quizzes on books they have read for points. Each book has a designated reading level as well as point value.
Students earn points based on their test performance on the books they read. The students earn pencils, dog tags with their point level, and a lanyard to hang them from.
Students at Ehrhardt can build their point level as long as they are at Ehrhardt.
  • Helps kids get excited about books
  • AR helps students focus attention on careful reading of books, which improves   students· critical-thinking skills and builds the intrinsic love of reading.
  • Provides teachers with reliable, objective information
  • Enables teachers to monitor both the quantity and quality of reading practice   engaged in by their students.
  • Helps to keep students challenged
  • Using AR, students can read appropriate books within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). This ensures that every student is challenged without being frustrated.
The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program provides teachers and children a fun and exciting way to promote reading at home and in the classroom.